Conflict Management Training FOR Teams in Denver
Conflict Management training for teams in Denver
One of the most common challenges we see in organizations is the lack of ability to handle and negotiate conflicts in a productive way. Ongoing conflict can lead to employee burn out, high turn over and poor customer service unless you do things differently.
Our conflict management programs will help your team turn conflict into opportunities. We use the “Thomas-Kilmann Instrument” to accurately assess a team’s capacity to handle conflict and their preferred conflict strategy. When conflict is addressed and handled skillfully, teams experience lower turnover, higher productivity, increased innovation and stronger team dynamics.
Some teams are challenged with customers, clients and vendors who consistently bring conflict. This can create employee burn out, high turn over and poor customer service if not handled correctly. We provide powerful conflict management training for leaders, managers and teams in Denver and beyond.
Learning Objectives and Program Results
Understand how your team reacts to conflict
Learn effective listening skills
Navigate conflict more successfully
Give and receive effective feedback
Practice communication skills through experiential exercises
Increase proactive communication skills
Improve creativity and collaboration