10 Sep: Effective Conflict Management Training in Denver, Colorado

Effective Conflict Management Training in Denver, Colorado Guess what the number one challenge is in ALL companies I work with? If you guessed communication you are right! We provide communication skills training in Denver, Colorado and conflict management training in Denver, Colorado for corporate teams. This is one of those areas were there is always room for improvement. I am going to make a bold statement here that I have consistently found to be true: all conflict is the result of unmet needs. Yup, that’s right. Think back to the last conflict you had – by conflict I mean upset,…

05 Sep: Leadership Training in Denver, Colorado – Is your team growing or stagnating?

Leadership Training in Denver, Colorado – Is your team growing or stagnating? Is your leadership team growing, stagnating or dying? I ask this question because it is crucial to the growth and longevity of all of your teams and your organization. We offer productive leadership training in Denver, Colorado and beyond. Lately I have been encountering a lot of resistance around the time that training can take for executives. No doubt leadership teams are as busy as ever. However, can you afford NOT to take the time to problem solve, align vision and goals and give each other feedback? As…

15 Aug: Beyond the Five (5) Dysfunctions of a Team in Denver: Building Trust

Beyond the Five (5) Dysfunctions of a Team in Denver: Building Trust Beyond the Five (5) Dysfunctions of a team in Denver: Trust; does your team really have it? I recently delivered the first day of a “Beyond the Five (5) Dysfunctions of a Team” training for an IT team in Denver. We spent a lot of time working on and discussing the issue of trust on their team. Trust is sometimes hard to define and even harder to create when it is not there or has been broken. What are the keys to developing, creating and keeping trust in…

21 Jun: DiSC Training in Denver – Integration: How to keep the DiSC Personality Styles alive over time

DiSC Training in Denver – Integration: How to keep the DiSC Personality Styles alive over time Step 4: Integration: How to keep the DiSC Personality Styles alive over time This is part 4 of a blog on understanding and incorporating the DiSC Personality Style system into your workplace. In order to get the most out of this topic please refer to:  Step 1: Understand the DiSC Personality Style System: Step 2: Understand the main strengths and challenges of each style: Step 3: How to adapt to each others’ styles:  Step 4: Integration: How to keep the DiSC Personality Styles alive…

22 May: DiSC Training in Denver – Step 3: Adapting your Communication

DiSC Training in Denver – Step 3: Adapting your Communication DiSC Training in Denver. 4 steps to Integrate DiSC Personality Styles to Increase Understanding at Work: Part Two In order to get the most out of the following information, please read 4 steps to Integrate DiSC Personality Styles to Increase Understanding at Work: Part One In this blog on DiSC Training in Denver, I will cover step 3 which is: 3. Adapting your communication styles to others If we take an honest look at the DiSC information, understanding the concept of differences is the easy part of the process. The…

24 Apr: DiSC Training in Denver – 4 Steps to Integrate DiSC Personality Styles

DiSC Training in Denver – 4 Steps to Integrate DiSC Personality Styles I often say, if you have one training to pick for your team, choose the DiSC Personality Style Training. I have worked with this system for over 15 years and I can truly say it is extremely effective at creating a more positive team culture and work environment. Transformative Training offers DiSC Training in Denver, Colorado and beyond. I am such a DiSC geek I have even been known to take a napkin out at a party and start charting it for people so that they can understand…

18 Jun: How to make training lasting and sustainable

How to make training lasting and sustainable We just did a great DiSC program with Colorado Public Utilities Commission.  It raised a question for me.  Many of our clients want a one-day program because of limited time and financial resources.  In fact, many of the programs we do are one-day team building or team development programs.  While we encourage companies to invest in at least quarterly training to keep forward momentum alive, we realize this is not always possible.  We rely on SMART goals to keep the learning of the program alive.  Participants come up with realistic, measurable goals that…

31 May: 5 Tips for Effective Power Point Presentations

5 Tips for Effective Power Point Presentations Help End Death by Power Point! The biggest mistake we see untrained presenters making is overusing power point slides.  Here are our top 5 tips for effective power point presentations. 1. Limit the number of slides.  Slides are so over used that just seeing a power point presentation can make people fall asleep.  Ask yourself – is this slide for ME as a presenter or for my audience?  If it is for YOU make notes to yourself in the presenter view and leave it off the slide.  A good rule of thumb is one slide…

30 May: Check out my colleague’s new book – Ignite!

Check out my colleague’s new book – Ignite! My friend Sal Silvester just launched his book Ignite! The 4 Essential Rules for Emerging Leaders. Sal has offered a number of gifts for those who purchase Ignite! on Amazon.com on May 31st, including a complimentary 3-hour leadership development session with him. Here are the details:  www.512solutions.com/ignite-book-launch 303 653-3097 Jeannie works with a wide variety of clients to help them increase their team effectiveness and leadership capacity in their teams. She has worked both nationally and internationally as an organizational consultant, facilitator, speaker and wilderness guide. With a strong background in group dynamics, over the past 20 years Jeannie…

21 May: Training Resistant Employees

Training Resistant Employees A common question or concern that comes up when launching training initiatives is how to get everyone on the same page. What if there are employees who like the status quo and are afraid of change? What if employees have been at the company for years and don’t want to “be trained.” There are a wide variety of reasons that people resist training (and change), but most of them have to do with fear of the unknown or concern that their voices will not be heard.